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Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Sometimes, you just have to laugh...

So, here is a recap of my weekend through the power of pictures.

I can remember going through my baby book when I was growing up, and reading my mom's thoughts. I also remember thinking that one day, I hoped my kids would enjoy doing the same thing with my thoughts. I suppose there is only one way to find out! This is Maddison's baby book. I filled out some of the pages this weekend, and I look forward to seeing her read it one day.

James and I decided that we were going to go see Reckless Kelly playing at Bono's Saturday since it was a nice evening and the concert was outside. Around 6:00, I start getting ready since we were planning on leaving at 7:45. I looked in my closet, and thought I had plenty of outfits to choose from.

After trying on probably somewhere in the ballpark of 25 shirts, I broke down. My pants fit. That wasn't the issue. Somehow, my go-to going out shirts had all shrunk overnight! I can laugh about this now, but it was a very emotional time for me. I have never been the most confident woman, but I have always appreciated my figure. I have always tried to exercise, and maintain my muscle tone and whatnot. Over the past five months, I have watched this miracle inside of me blossom in my belly- and although I am BEYOND excited about the whole process, it is almost like I'm having an identity crisis.

22 weeks

I felt like a terrible mother. It wasn't that I didn't like my belly. I love it. (weird, right?) I looked over at the pile of clothes and rubbed my post 6 pack belly and just began crying. I don't feel ugly by any means. It's just strange that so quickly, my body has transformed into something that I've never seen before. I wake up each morning and look in the mirror with a genuine happiness, but when it comes to trying to put on clothes that don't fit, it feels like I have been placed in someone else's body.

Pile of clothes that I tried on that didn't fit. :-/
When in crisis mode, what does a girl do? Well, Jim was sitting in the living room on the couch, and I knew he would have no clue how to handle this situation. My soultion: I texted my girlfriends.

My friend Tiffany was first on the scene. She was able to diffuse the situation, and help me gain some much needed perspective. She is a fellow graduate student with me, and without her, I truly believe I would not have made it through grad school up to this point. We are so different, yet sometimes I think we share the same brain. It is scary funny. Tiffany is the kind of person that I love to look up to. We aren't that far apart in age, yet she has so much more wisdom than I do. She is gorgeous, smart, funny, wity, and best of all- FRUGAL! [;-)]
Tiffany is that person that I could call and tell that I was plotting a hideous murder, and she would be like, "Okay, so let's look at all of the angles here. Let's say you do go through with this... " There is no judgement from her, and I love that. She is completely analytical, and the most self-aware person I know.

 Love, love, love me some Tiffany.)

True friends sit with you when you've been knocked down. Then they help you up.
After talking to Brandi and Sherri, I decided to leave a bit earlier. They offered to pick me up at my house, and ride with them to the concert. I agreed, and wiped my tears as I got excited about my miniature girls night out.
Sometimes, you just need to be with your girlfriends.

A little insight on my besties:

Brandi is one of my newest lifelong friends. She is someone that I can laugh with, cry with, and sometimes- just be. I am inspired by her, and her willingness to play the hand of cards that she has been dealt with such ease. She is always so happy, even when life seems to have given her lemons. She is the girl who has "that spark in her eye" that you hear people talk about. I hope that I am as good of a friend to her as she has been to me.

Sherri is the friend that you read about in books, and see in the movies. She and I have been friends since the third grade, and although there have been many long stretches in our freindship where we didn't speak, (because life/distance got in the way), it never seemed that way once we actually talked. We are blessed to have the kind of friendship that has the ability to pick up right where we left off after long periods of time. She has been my best friend for close to 20 years, and I trust her as much as I trust myself. She is the most beautiful person that I know.

The best thing about having great friends is that it doesn't cost anything to have fun. Brandi and Sherri knew I was feeling a little- bleh- and they offered to come pick me up early for a little girl talk before the concert. James was okay with the idea, so my chariot pulled up in the driveway and off we went.

We get to the concert- let me rephrase that... We got to Bono's parking lot, and decided we wanted to take a quick picture of the three of us. Almost 45 minutes later, we all emerged from the truck with tears rolling down our cheeks, makeup half gone from laughing so hard, and side stiches. THAT is what friends are for!

You can't see the laughing tears, but they were there.

We get into the concert, and I really enjoyed the evening. It wasn't one of those wild, drunk, stupid nights- it was full of seeing old friends, enjoying a Texas summer night with Texas country music, and just chillaxin'.

The love of my life.

Me and Erin. My sister forever.
The weekend ended well with a water day at Brandi's house. Sherri and Brandi's kids had tons of fun, and I couldn't help but imagine what life will be like when Maddison gets here and can play with them.

Bath time after playing in the mud!

I ended up going to bed at 8:30 Sunday night after playing outside with the kiddos. I slept SO GOOD!
I have been told I should enjoy that time. I know it is about to change, but that's okay.

Yesterday, my mom and I went and had brunch in Denton. We did some light shopping since I had a meltdown over the weekend, and I bought some maternity clothes.

I had to do some homework while we were out, and the assignment required that I purchase supplies for a portable play therapy kit. Here is what I purchased:

Under $100.00! I <3 Dollar Tree.

And here is what it looks like now:

I can't wait to begin my career as
Heather McGilvray M.S., LPC,  RPT.
Seems so far away, but again, that's okay...

I will end with this. I woke up this morning, and after purchasing several new outfits, and acquiring a few gently used items from friends here and there, I have a new outlook on being pregnant. It is amazing how good you can feel if your clothes actually fit.

Good thing too. This is what I saw this morning when I went to the bathroom.

I am not complaining by any means. I don't want any of you to read this and think that I feel that I am fat, or ungrateful, or selfish or whatever. You can form your opinions- that's fine. But if you get one thing out of this blog- know that I am genuinely happy with the things that have, are, and will transpire.
This is the type of blog where I do not sensor my feelings. Pregnant women go through phases. Sometimes I feel beautiful and sexy, whereas other times, I feel like I just want to stay in bed and watch tv all day.

Life is what I am making it, and I think that life is pretty sweet right now. I have no complaints about being pregnant. I feel great, and I know that Miss Maddison is growing at a healthy steady pace. I. Love. Being. Pregnant.

Keep praying. It's working.

1 comment:

  1. That's pregnancy for you--- LOTS of highs, and a few lows too!!

    I laughed about the murder thing... because [honest to God] I had wrote a murder scenario about my BFF Wendy in my blog but deleted it because I have a lot of readers who don't know me and I didn't want them to think I have *actually* plotted murder!!
    (although Wendy wouldn't talk me out of it... she would make me feel less crazy by telling me of a time that she thought about it, and maybe a better way to do it, etc.)

    Friends uplift the soul!
    Thank God for good ones!!
