BabyFruit Ticker

Monday, June 27, 2011

Life is Good.

It's true. I've gone blogging MIA...

I haven't done a blog in over a week, so I figured it was time to let you all get a glimpse into my world again.

Last week was my first week off work, and honestly, I can't even tell that I don't have a job! I know that I was struggling getting everything done before, but now that I have almost 40 more hours of free time- I don’t know where it is!!!

I was a busy bee last week. I put in my time at my internship, went to class, maintained my marriage, and grew another human being. All in a days work, right?

Let’s start with Friday June 17. For months I have been planning this event called “Boyd’s 2nd Annual Pickin’ in the Pasture Benefit”. I got up Friday morning, and after an extremely rough Thursday (which we won’t even go into), I was eager to see what Friday had to bring. My mom and I ran a ton of errands all over the county in preparation for Pickin’ in the Pasture.

For whatever reason, I thought that I could put my pregnancy on the back burner while I tried to be wonder woman and work this event. I was quickly reminded that I was eating for two when I became so dizzy that I didn’t think I could drive. I reached into my handy dandy lunchbox (which if you have been around me at all in the past 3 weeks, you can probably describe exactly what it looks like) and pulled out a banana. The vitamins in the banana gave me enough strength to get through Wal-Mart and get the items needed for the event.

Let me back up a step… Wal-Mart. Have any of you been to the Wal-Mart in Decatur recently? First off, I don’t care to go to Wal-Mart much anyway, but I swear, it’s like Jack in the Beanstalk picked up this store, shook it around like a snow globe, and then sat it back down. I can’t find ANYTHING! The shoes are where there once was underwear and the towels and bathroom décor now is the home for laundry detergent and baggies. What the heck Wal-Mart? Is it not enough that I spend hundreds of dollars on you each time I leave? Why do you insist on sucking hours off of my life? I don’t get it.

 I’ve considered making a list of my needed items, and trading it with my mom. Have you heard of this? It’s GeNiUs! Seriously. It is supposed to save time and money. Step one: Make a list of what you need from the store. Step two: Have a friend do the same with the items they need. Step three: Trade lists, and make a date of going to Wal-Mart (or where ever you go to surrender hours of your life to purchase life’s necessities.) Step four: Once at the store of your choice, designate a time and checkout line to meet when you’re finished. Then you both part ways and get the items on the list in your hand. Step five: Meet at the designated spot, and switch carts. Don’t overanalyse what is in the basket, just pay for it, then leave. This is said to save families hundreds of dollars because you don’t put random things in other people’s baskets! Great idea, huh?

Anywho, I’ve thought about doing this, but Ihaven’t followed through with it. Maybe I will soon.

Long story short, we had the event ready to go at 6:00pm when the gates opened. Food: Check. Sound guy: Check. Bands: Check. People to come in, eat, and listen to the bands: Negative. 6:30 rolled around, and then 7:00. 7:30 came, and finally the people began to slowly trickle in. My nerves were shot b/c I knew how much money we had spent out of pocket for this event, and no one was coming. That was a scary thought. I was ecstatic when Max Stalling arrived and asked specifically for me. (It was a tremendous feeling to have a semi-celebrity asking for me throughout this event! I could SO be a groupie!!!) Whatever he asked, I made happen. Maybe I could be an agent. Maybe not. Or maybe if I have a girl, I can be a pageant mom. NOT! Someone please beat me with a baseball bat if I ever think that again…

Back to the benefit, Max went on, money was made, people were happy (after the sun went down), and I slept great that night. I am positive that I drank a gallon of water, and sweat 2 gallons more than I put into my body that day. It was a scorcher! We made $4200.00 profit, and I plan on doing the same, but bigger next year. (We shall see, since I will have a 5 month old on my hip…)

Saturday night, me and Jim went to dinner with our friends Chris and Terra. We ate at BJ’s Brewhouse and enjoyed a relaxing dinner. Jim and I pulled into our driveway about 10:30 and to our surprise, we had no power. The wind had done something to a transformer or whatever, and all I knew was it was hot, and this preggo Mama to be was NOT staying in that house all night. The progesterone running rampant though my body has enough of a hayday when it is 70 degrees in my house. I can’t imagine what kind of Olympic games would be played if it was 90 degrees while I laid in bed. Oh Lord help Jim if that was to happen. For the sake of our marriage, I called my Mama. After downloading the flashlight app to my iphone ( Have I mentioned how much I LOVEEEEE my iphone?!) I threw some stuff in a bag, and me and Jim headed to Culpepper B&B. By the way, my bag consisted of a pillow, my sleeping mask, makeup remover, lotion, cocoa butter, sleeping shorts, sleeping pants, t shirt, sports bra, flip flops, socks, tooth brush, mouthwash, a blanket, and some undies. Jim grabbed a pair of shorts and his toothbrush. Seriously? That just pisses me off. Anyway, that’s another can of worms.

We wake up Sunday morning, Father’s Day mind you, and the first thing I did was crawl out of my bed, and walk across the hall to lay with the Daddy to be. (I had gone to a seperate bedroom around 3:00 because we were sharing a full size bed. If you have ever gone from sharing a king sized bed, to sharing a full sized, bed--- you understand). I crawled up next to him and whispered Happy Father’s Day. He smiled and said thank you. He went back to sleep, but I laid there envisioning our son or daughter and the next time I would wake up on Father’s Day. I thought about how next year, we would have a baby to represent our love on that day, and how amazing it would be. He was back asleep. This always seems to happen when I am in deep thought. I laughed and got up for breakfast.

We ended up going home to get ready for church, and our power was back on. It is a 45 minute drive to our church, but so worth it. Cross Timbers Community Church in Argyle. You should try it sometime. AMAZING! Anyway, we were seated and the music played, and the Holy Spirit was there. I could feel the leftover joy from this morning and was still savouring the thoughts of having a baby this time next year. I almost pictured a glow around Jim as we swayed to the music and listened to the Holy Spirit speak to us. He wasn’t just my husband and my friend anymore, but a father. We sat down, and I was feeling extremely lovey dovey. Our pastor began speaking and started out by telling all of the fathers Happy Father’s Day. My bubble was busted when Jim chuckled, leaned over to me, and whispered, “I forgot today was Father’s Day.” SERIOUSLY?! I gave him a look like he had just told me that he was joining the NASA space team to fly to the moon. All morning I had been daydreaming about our life transforming from 2 to 3, and here he forgot it was father’s Day. I couldn’t do anything but laugh, and think that maybe men really are from Mars…

Thursday morning, my mom invited to me to go with her, my Grandma, and my dad to Houston to visit my brother and his wife. I had already planned to skip class on Saturday (don’t judge me) and so Thursday evening, I decided that I was going to go with them on this 5 hour ride. Jim stayed behind to play bachelor while I was out of town, and I hit the road Friday afternoon with the fam. The ride wasn’t bad, and once we got there, it was worth it. On the way there however, here is a quick list of what was on the Dodge Ram buffet: 1 cheese sandwich, 5 tootsie rolls, 1 cup of applesauce, ¼ bag of carrots, one banana, one cup of mandarin oranges, 4 slices of turkey jerky (YAY PROTEIN!!!), one cup of peach ice cream with cinnamon peach glaze, one handful of pecans, one root beer, 20-25 grapes, 5-10 triscuit crackers with cheese, and one granola bar. Yes sir. This was all in between Boyd, and Houston. (Random- I saw Lindsay, Paul, and Suzanne Foster at a random peach stand/gas station in Fairville, Texas. I noticed her from across the room and shouted out her name. I was blown away that we bumped into each other! Crazy, right?)

So, we get to Houston and enjoy the stay in Justin and Shawn’s BEAUTIFUL new home they just purchased. Saturday, the girls did some light shopping. I bought 3 items, and spent 200 dollars. Yes, me- Miss Frugal spent $200.00 on 3 items. What were they you ask? Well, a wok from Marshalls was 50.00, and the two bras I bought at Neiman’s totalled $150.00. That’s right.

I’m sure you all are aware of the fact that I resigned as President of the Itty Bitty Titty Committee in on April 1, 2010. To my surprise, my girls have already shot up one cup size since Baby M has been a resident in my temple. Although Baby M’s daddy couldn’t be happier I’m sure, this is causing a bit of a problem for me.

I was fitted and broke out in hives when the woman at Neiman Marcus told me the size that I would need to ORDER in about 2 months. I literally had to sit down and text Jim when she left the fitting room. Jim was golfing with some buddies, and his response to my text was,(excuse my french) “Damn.” That about sums it up. I was thinking the same thing. “Damn…” Bye bye cute little bikini that I bought 2 months ago. Maybe we will meet again. Maybe…

I think that I managed to make my little kumquat angry yesterday. We left Houston, and like my usual traveling self, I curled up in the backseat to catch a nap while we were on the road. After about 20 minutes of various positions, I found one that was semi comfortable. Yes, the seatbelt was digging into my ribs, but I was laying down, and my legs had some room to stretch. What I didn’t consider was the fact that my little bundle of joy was all bundled up in my tummy. I sat up due to a few dull pains, and realized that I can’t get into the same positions I used to. Holy cow. This kid is already high maintenance.

The dull pain didn’t go away until my dad pulled over at a rest stop, and let me walk around for a few minutes. After that, I was fine. I shook it off as me just crowding my kumquats personal space.

Jim has shared with me the day before that he had a surprise, so I was excited to come home to see what it was. I quickly noticed a reclining lawn chair in the backyard, and as soon as I opened the door to our house, I was hit with the clean aroma of a freshly cleaned house. Every bit of dirty laundry was not only clean, but hung up, folded and PUT AWAY! Screw flowers and candy! The way to a woman’s heart is by cleaning her home! It was amazing to come home to a clean house, and have someone make me dinner. That’s right. It didn’t stop there! He asked what I wanted, and delivered exactly that! Grilled ham and cheese with a side of macaroni and cheese. (Again, don’t judge). It was amazing.

I don’t have any pictures to upload this time, but I wish you could glimpse into my mind and see all the ones I have!!!

Life is GREAT!
Keep praying…

1 comment:

  1. A. I NEED to do that Walmart idea!! I'm such a control freak, so I'm not sure how well I would do, not to mention-- I usually just have a few things on my list and "wing" the rest, but *if* I could let go a little, your idea would actually be Brilliant!
    B. I hated that we had to miss your fundraiser... I had been excited about our 'adult time' for weeks... and then mommy-duty trumped all. And with 105 fever,I could justify leaving at all!
    C. A clean house AND LAUNDRY?!?!? No kidding!! I would take that over almost any gift. Way to go James!
    D. I'm glad life is great! :) Keep enjoying it!
