BabyFruit Ticker

Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Like Sand Through The Hour Glass, So Are The...

This week has slowly flown by if that makes any sense at all. It seems like it was just Sunday, but tomorrow is Thursday. Seriously… Where did Tuesday and Wednesday go? I can contribute some of my cloudiness to being on cloud nine the past few weeks, but mostly, I feel like I’ve been stuck on my thoughts about the upcoming semester.

Next week, my life will be thrown into the bottomless pit of stress and complaints that I have come to know as “the life of a grad student”. I absolutely adore my grad school compadres, but the work load and stress that comes along with school is almost more than one can handle. This summer, here is a glimpse into my schedule:

Monday I work all day. Tuesday I work from 8:00 until 4:30 then leave to go to class until 9:30 in Denton. Wednesday I work until 12:00 and then leave to go to class until 5:30. Thursday and Friday, I have my Practicum, (pre internship) at The Counseling Place in Decatur from 9:00 – 7:00. Saturdays, I believe that I have class in Denton from 8:00 – 5:00. Thankfully, I reserve Sunday as my family day. I love Sundays. I love that me and Jim get up and go to church, and then get to come home and just…be. He usually gets tired of lounging fairly quickly, and we end up doing something besides hanging out inside. I’m usually okay with that, so long as I get my cuddling time in first. I’m a stickler for cuddling.
Over the holiday weekend, Jim and I discussed me having to hold down my job, my internship, and my 4.0 GPA all while growing a healthy baby and keeping a healthy marriage. This was the main thing on my mind that was keeping me awake at night. Okay, so maybe there isn’t anything keeping me awake at night- but it is definitely something that worries me. After much prayer and thought, we decided that it would be best for me to resign from working at Texas AgriLife Extension Service, and focus on grad school and our family.

I love my job, and I love my 4-H’ers even more. They are just… awesome kids that make it seem like going to fun, not going to work. That being said, I am so very excited that we are fortunate enough to live off of Jim’s income alone. I am aware of how rare this is these days, and I can’t tell you how much I respect my hubby for carrying the income burden alone. I admire that he understands how difficult it would be to do all of these things at once, and hope that he knows how thankful I am. (He doesn’t read this, so I suppose I could talk about him all day long, and he would never know it!!!)

Anywho, so yes, I am excited about quitting my job and focusing on school and Baby M and Jim. What else… ?

I don’t feel pregnant. Let’s go with that. I’m apparently retaining a “food baby” that only makes its appearance in the evening hours. It is the strangest thing. I’ve had various medical professionals tell me that it is my uterus stretching but I’ve come to understand that the average Joe thinks they know better than them. According to “Average Joe” I’m retaining water or I’m just bloated. What. Ever. I know that there is something there that wasn’t there a couple of months ago, and I am very ready to hear what Dr. Robbins has to say. Lol. I’m not bitter, just chuckling at the multitude of opinions that are coming from every which way. I often catch myself re-playing the “advice” that I am getting, and it just makes me laugh. Maybe I’m just weird.

What's left of the scorpion on the wall...

It’s funny how things happen in my day to day life that cause me to think, “Ohhh! I should SO write about this in my blog! I think I am going to begin referring to those moments as, “Blogging Moment!”
Here is my first “Blogging Moment!”: Last night, James and I enjoyed a nice dinner with our friend Terra at Chili’s. It is so nice to have friends that don’t have the expectation of going to dinner and getting smashed. (Again, I’m seeing a theme here. The whole growing up thing is coming into play again I think…) Anywho, we came home and I went to get into the shower. I turned on the water and went to step in when GASP!!! There it was. The first scorpion of the season. Now if you know me, you know that I can handle spiders and bugs – to an extent. But when it comes to scorpions, I FaREAK!!! They terrify me. Seriously, I think I might wet my pants and go into convulsions if one ever touched me. Needless to say, I ran out of the shower screaming to Jim to come kill this evil creature. He gets in the bathroom and has the audacity to say, “It’s just a baby.” I thanked him as he disposed of the carcass in the trashcan (the toilet is much more effective I think, but it seemed to be dead), and went on about my business. It was while I was in the shower that it occurred to me… “It’s just a baby”… Hmm. That means that is has brothers and sisters and a Daddy and a Mama somewhere. Lord help… I did have trouble falling asleep last night just so you know. You can bet your bottom dollar that I’ll do the scorpion shake with every shoe, blanket, and article of clothing I own before I use it too. (My sheets are in the dryer as we speak. Lol)

My Final Blogging Moment! of the day:  This morning, James had already left for work, and I was sitting at the kitchen table staring off into space. Sleep was still on my mind and I was debating on whether anyone at work would notice if I didn’t brush my hair, but just threw it back in a messy pony. (Which I totally got away with by the way.) I was spooning Cream of Wheat into my mouth when I heard a buzzing noise. Suddenly, my house transformed into a set off of Saturday Night Live, and as I dashed to find the fly swatter, a red wasp was dive bombing me! (My house must be on the bug version of as a hot spot to go for the Spring). I found myself shrieking and yelling out for Jim to come help me, but I had forgotten that I was home alone. It’s times like this that I set aside my feministic beliefs and leap into the domestic role of housewife and expect James to be the strong strapping husband. I forfeited my right to complain at Jim for letting flies in when I propped open both the front and back doors hoping that this creature would just bebop his way out of the McGilvray Inn. Of course, that didn’t work.

By this time, it was 7:00 and I needed to get ready to go to work. I shut the doors as well as each door in between me and my living room. I thought about shoving a towel under the door to keep unwanted guests out, but I thought that would be too crazy, right? WRONG! The little terd somehow managed to find its way into my bedroom and dive bomb me as I was putting my makeup on. I went to work with less makeup than usual and figured I would just deal with the wasp when I got home.

Well, I’m home now. Jim just informed me that he killed a wasp when he came home for lunch today. (My big strong man saved the day-again!!!) Pray for me… Seems that my house is being invaded...

Well that’s all for now. It’s only Wednesday, so there is much more to come before the weekend gets here. Until then…

Keep praying. :-D


  1. I hate bees!! There are black bees in our house sometimes. Lance says they are dirt-dobbers and will not hurt me... I say kill them anyway!! :)

  2. LOL you are so funny. One of the biggest things that drove me crazy when I was pregnant was that I would loose my train of thought so easily and would not be able to remember why I had called someone. I think I did this to my mom at least every other day. And as far as having a new perspective on things, it happens without thought. Chancy says that I am a completely different person these days. I apparently am a lot more laid back and that I have finally started getting my priorities straight. LOL Maybe not those exact words but she is right none the less. I love it though. We are all different and we all experience different things through both pregnancy and motherhood. I am so excited and anxious to hear your blogs and your stories in general. Thank you for getting pregnant friend.

  3. Heather, I am SO glad you are doing this!!! First off, congrats on the pregnancy! Super excited for you!! :) Secondly, the blog is a great idea.... this past summer I was trying to fill out some of Ruston's baby book. I COULD NOT remember when some of his important events happened...luckily for me, I had my blog! I was able to go back and find when things happened and fill in his book. You'll be so glad you have this to look back on! :)
