BabyFruit Ticker

Monday, May 30, 2011

Poppy Seeds, Sesame Seeds, Blueberries- Oh My!!!

What an eventful weekend!

 I made the decision to join the in-crowd and transition from a Blackberry to an iPhone. My logic behind this stems from the fact that I want to document each stage of my pregnancy. I love the pregnancy apps that help you keep track of what’s going on, and I really like the fact that I can add texture to the pictures that I upload. I’m not quite there yet since I’ve owned this iPhone for about 24 hours now, but I am looking forward to this blog becoming more fun and exciting to look at.

Funny thing happened today- I was headed to Brandi’s house early this afternoon and I called my mom. I was telling her that I haven’t had any cravings really, but that last week, I had a full jar of pickles, and as of this morning, there were only 2 left. Unless James mysteriously developed a hankering for pickles overnight- he doesn’t care for them at all, I suppose someone had to have broken into the house and eaten all but 2 of my pickles. Strange… I have always liked pickles, but now that I think of it, I suppose I have been eating more of them lately. (My mouth is watering right now just thinking of them.) My mom suggested that I buy a jar at Wal-Mart since that is where Brandi and I were headed. (Funny how we made a date out of going to Wal-Mart. The weird thing is, it was so fun. How Wal-Mart can be so miserable while shopping alone at 5:30 on a Wednesday after work, and so fulfilling on a Monday afternoon with your bestie--- is astonishing!!!) As Brandi and I were walking down on of the aisles, angels desended from Heaven and a dim light shone around a display before me. There it was: A 9 foot high display of giant jars of pickles. It was at this point that I realized- I had identified my first craving. Just like Pavlov’s dog, my mouth became full of saliva, and I grabbed a jar and placed in the basket. My bestie showed no judgement, and we kept right on shopping. THAT is a good friend.

My first craving. :-/

Although there is a lot that happened this holiday weekend, I’m not sure how to put it all into words. I think it might be best to do it in bullet form.

-          Got up early Saturday and went on an adventure with my dad and Austin Griffith to get crawfish for the 15th Annual Crawfish Boil. Ate at McDonalds, drove to Lewisville, and headed home. Definitely a memory I’ll never forget. Nothing extravagant happened, but I savoured every second of the rare but cherished father/daughter time.

-          Enjoyed the Crawfish cookout, but wasn’t able to enjoy the crawfish, or the margarita machine everyone was raving about. Me and my little blueberry were just fine sipping on my Fizzy Cranberries though. Loved being with my friends and family. Every year is so fun. James and I were home and in bed by 11:00. Surprisingly, he was okay with this. It made me smile for the rest of the weekend. Is this what they call growing up???

-          Got up early to go to church Sunday, but stopped by my parents’ house to say bye to my brother Justin and his new bride, Shawn. James and I ended up missing church to have brunch at Tater Junction with the crowd that stuck around until the morning light at their house from the night before. Lots of laughs later, I was at home and taking a much needed nap.

-          Had a relaxing visit and dinner with Russell and Brandi Sunday evening. Their little boy, Dylan, gave me a glimpse into parenthood when he crawled up in my lap and said “Etter, Etter!!!” We played some games on Brandi’s phone and just cuddled. Nothing on earth is sweeter than a child cuddling with you. I don’t care whose child it is, but when they are beyond adorable, it is even more heart-warming.

-          Slept in until 9:00 on this Memorial Day, and enjoyed every second of it. When I woke up, the house was so quiet. James was at work, and I thought about how this time in less than 1 year, things would be so different. I’m ready for different. <3 <3 <3

Now I sit at the kitchen table while the sun is beginning to set. Another weekend has passed, and I am closer to hearing Baby M’s heart beat for the first time. Funny how quickly things can be put into perspective. I may not feel pregnant physically, but in my heart I feel like a Mama already. As soon as that test said, “Pregnant”, I feel like I became a mom. I can’t wait…

I have mentioned before that I am a planner, and I love to keep track of what happens in my life. I kept a diary/journal growing up, and this blog is just that. The only difference is that I “hid” my diary because of the precious information inside, and this blog is open for all of you to feel my soul. It makes me happy to hear my friends ask me when my next blog will be. It fulfills this weird need that I’m having I guess you could say. I don’t feel pregnant, so I thought that I would go ahead and try to apply my Kinesthetic Learning style to this situation.

For the next 33 weeks or so, I will try my best to have a picture of what stage of life Baby M is currently in. For example, this week, I am assuming I am about 6-7 weeks pregnant. That means that Baby M is about the size of a Blueberry. Therefore, I will show a picture of a blueberry, and let your heart melt with mine at the thought of something so amazing growing inside of me.

I invite you to sit back and enjoy this journey of comparison with me, and I hope that smiles will be brought to your face as you imagine getting a glimpse inside the womb of Baby M.

Poppy Seed at Week 4

Sesame Seed at Week 5

Peppercorn at Week 6

Blueberry at Week 7
Hope you all enjoyed today's blog.

Keep praying. :-)

1 comment:

  1. You are one of the most interesting people I have ever had the priviledge of knowing. It is crazy how intense the motherly instinct kicks in isn't it. I would have never had thought that I could be that protective over anyone, but it is instant and never ending. It only becomes stronger with time. Call me when you get the ultrasound. It is going to make everything become that much more real and your heart is almost going to stop beating as tears form in your eyes and you will experience more joy, excitments and anxiety than you have ever felt in your entire life. I was absolutely the First amazing experience of my prenancy. Love you and Baby M
