BabyFruit Ticker

Saturday, May 21, 2011

Worry Wart...

For as long as I can remember, I’ve been a planner. I can remember being very young and making a list of what items to clean first within the small living quarters of my bedroom. I made a list of items to pack when going to various camps and vacations throughout my life, and I won’t mention spontaneity as one of my more charming qualities. Although I was ecstatic, and AM ecstatic to find out and know that I was pregnant this past week, I am a planner at heart, and I want so badly to begin the process.

While daydreaming about decorating the nursery one day, someone asked me what I was thinking about. I mentioned that I was wondering about what kind of baby furniture I was going to get. I had never really looked at cribs before, and the thought of one being in my house gives me butterflies. The response I got after I was sharing my excitement felt like someone literally kicked me in the stomach.  “Maybe you shouldn’t get so excited just yet. Something really bad could happen between now and then.” I’m somewhat of a pushover, so I agreed and of course, those words have played over and over in my head since they were spoken. “Maybe you shouldn’t get so excited just yet. Something really bad could happen between now and then.” It wasn’t just this one person though. I bet I have had 10 people say things along these exact same lines. “You probably should have waited to tell everyone. Something could happen to the baby because you’re not that far along yet.” (Are you freaking kidding me?!) I am fully aware that no one in my life would ever deliberately say or do anything to hurt me in any way, but come on!!!

 Does society not think that newly expecting mothers are terrified every minute of every day that there is a ginormous chance that ‘something bad could happen between now and then?’ I mean, really?! I’m not sure if this is a normal frustration to be having at this point, but every morning when I wake up, and every night when I go to sleep (not to mention the dozens of times per day), I pray that God will protect my little orange seed growing in my belly. Hearing these negative comments makes the worry that much worse. I know what COULD happen, but all I can do is pray that it doesn’t.

At the age of 27, I have been to the bottom of the valley, and made it through by the pure grace of God, and I know that no matter what happens, I will be alright. I’m not saying that I don’t trust the Lord, I do, but this feels so different this time. When I was little, I remember my cat, Sammi, “running away” and I prayed everyday for weeks that God would just please send her home to me. When I went through a terrible break-up a few years ago, I could not fathom why God would allow me to hurt and sink into the depression that I did. I prayed for the relationship to somehow be reconciled, and it seemed like that would fix everything. Just a month ago, my sweet Rocky was very sick, and I prayed that he get better, but he didn’t. I know bad things happen, and while we don’t understand them at the time, it all molds us into who we are destined to become. I appreciate life so much more because of the trials that have brought me to where I am.  I know that God has a plan for James and I, and this little orange seed inside of me.

This blog was created to help me get things just like this off my chest, and even though some people think technology is some strange addiction that people are obsessed with, I truly think that this will help me through the process of my beautiful life for the next year. I usually go back and re-read these to make sure they don’t sound stupid, but this time, I am exposing my raw self, and am not going to change one single word. I will however ask for prayers for myself and Baby M. Please pray for a safe and full-term, healthy pregnancy. Also, pray that my worries about the unknown are put at ease. If my little orange seed is anything like his Mama and Daddy, it’ll be just fine.


  1. We're praying for you and your family, My wife and I have had 3 chances at having a Baby and the 3rd was the charm Jade is 26 months now and we wouldn't change anything that we have gone through b/c despite it all we trust that God will get us through. "Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways acknowledge Him, and He shall direct your paths." Proverbs 3:5-6 @ Any point you feel doubt this is a great site for verses to inspire you. We're so excited for you and plan now all you want b/c these next few months will go by fast :)

  2. Heather...I felt the same way the first few months of pregnancy and still worry at times that everything will be ok, only it was me telling myself that maybe I shouldn't have told people so early. And then I thought....if something was to go wrong, (1) God has a plan and it is the best! (2) I would want those people that I told to be there for me in that painful time, and (3) We need to share our joy and rejoice in the blessings no matter what!

    I am like an open book when it comes to my life and seems as though you are sort of to....others are more private. There is absolutely nothing wrong with sharing your joys and heartaches as they come....I believe it can help you and help others that hear it.

    I pray continually for our little one and everyone's little one's for that matter. We just have to know and believe that whatever happens is God's will and his plan is better (even though there may be heartache in it). You, James and Little M are going to be just fine and there is nothing else you can think!

    Good Luck! I hope you are having any morning sickness or anything. Praying for you!

  3. Don't worry about it heather just do what you do and enjoy! Sure it could happened, not gonna lie about that. It's even happened to me.... But ya know I have a strong faith in God as I know you do also. It happened to me my very first pregnancy; so I was on Pens and needles with both rendyn and Jett. But with both of their pregnancies I always reminded myself of one thing..... God has his reasons and for something to happen to my pregnancy probably means it in someday was not a healthy one and I knewbin my heart God had the perfect lil angel waiting up in heaven for me so I would be patient for the exact one I knew he had hand picked just for me. You want a thriving, healthy, beautiful baby..... Not only for the selfish reasons but you want a human that can live life to the fullest. One that can enjoy life and that you can mold into a responsible, beautiful human being. So hang in there girl, don't worry about the things that arent even in our control to begin with. Just do what you do and let god do what he does 

  4. Heather--
    I know I have told you about this already... but unfortunately its just something people do to you when you are pregnant.
    I heard scary stories my ENTIRE pregnancy. Both times.
    I learned to block it out better during Beckham's pregnancy... I even came into his with my guard up.
    I posted on FB when we announced it. "I guess if something were to happen (God forbid) I would need you guys to lift me up... So no need for holding a secret anymore!"
    And that's the truth...

    I let a lot of idiots still my sunshine during Maddox's pregnancy.
    Lance was constantly faithful that we were creating a healthy baby but prayed for peace for me.
    Honestly, I ruined a lot of happy days out of anxiety and fear.
    I feel like I stayed in constant prayer during Maddox's pregnancy (which is not a bad thing) but I was constantly terrified also.
    PLEASE try and block these people out.

    Look at baby furniture, write lists of baby names, and dream about his or her hair color, eye color, features, etc.
    Go to Motherhood and strap on that fake belly and buy your some maternity clothes. (I did)
    Love this baby.
    Love that soon-to-be-changing body.
    Love your husband, as you watch your love for him change into something even bigger than you have now.
    Love this time in your life.
    Its so awesome.

    I waited 24 years to open this chapter in my book of life... I YEARNED to live out this part.

    Love every minute of it-- even the bad parts!

    I know it is easier said than done...
    But ignore them.

    And know you aren't alone-- we all went through it too.

  5. Girl, I am praying for you. I know how hard the other side of the bridge is and I wouldn't wish it on anyone. I am not a fan of the naysayers. Enjoy every minute of this wonderful time.

  6. Ladies- You are the reason that I do this blog. It gives me comfort beyond words to hear the reassuring words you give me. I am so very thankful that I have you in my life. Thank you so so much. Seriously, I'm just in tears thanking the Lord for speaking to me through your words. Thank you for walking with me through this journey. It means so much. :-)

  7. Heather... Here is the fact. That despite what anyone says your pregnancy will not mirror that of anyones, because no two pregnancies do. The most amazing thing about you is that no matter what you have an amazing support system in place and first and foremost, you have GOD on your side. One of the biggest changes that happened to me when I became pregnant was that I finally learned to not give a damn about what other people had to say. You have to live for your little baby now and just keep in mind that that is the ONLY thing that matters at this point.
